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Digital Preservation - The Planets Way

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Venue and Hotels

Copenhagen and the Royal Library

Copenhagen has a long history well integrated with today's modern life. The city is a multicultural centre thanks to yesterday's and today's immigration, a fact that contributes to Copenhagen's international atmosphere.

The city is among Europe's oldest and most wonderful capitals with both medieval streets and modern buildings like the newly built Opera House. In Copenhagen you will also find world famous attractions as the "Little Mermaid", the amusement park "Tivoli", the Royal Theatre and the royal palace, Amalienborg, where the royal family resides.

Another pride of the city is the new wing of the Royal Library, The Black Diamond, which was inaugurated in September 1999 by Queen Margrethe. It is clad in Absolute Black granite, mined in Zimbabwe and cut and polished in northern Italy. The fantastic building is right by the waterfront of Copenhagen harbour and is the venue of the Planets Outreach and Training event, "Digital Preservation � The Planets Way" in June 2009.

For more information about Copenhagen, please go to

The Royal LibraryThe Royal Library was founded by King Frederik III in 1648.The king was a real book-worm and acquired four private libraries. In 1793 the library was opened to the public, and in 1906 the old building on the Isle of Slotsholmen was inaugurated. Since 1989 the Royal Library and the University Library, founded in 1482, have merged into one institution.


Conference Dinner

The conference dinner on Monday 22 June will take place at Restaurant VIVA , a charming and elegant restaurant on a boat by Langebro. The location gives a unique seaside experience with a view to the beautiful Black Diamond of the Royal Library.

A Description of Festivities in Copenhagen

On the 23 June it is Skt. Hans-evening in Denmark. Skt. Hans is the Danish name for St. John and the Danish Midsummer tradition entails bonfire and singing. In the centre of the city, you will have a chance to experience the Midsummer festivities at:

Islands Brygge, across the water from the Black Diamond.

Kulturhuset Islands Brygge
Islands Brygge 18
2300 K�benhavn S

To see a description of the event, please go to:
Midsummer Eve Copenhagen - Official tourist-site about Copenhagen

For a map of the location, please follow this link.

The bonfire will be lit at 9 PM.

See more events and attractions at


The following hotels are all within walking distance of the Royal Library.

Hotel Opera
Tordenskjoldsgade 15
DK-1055 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 3347 8300

Best Western Hotel City
Peder Skrams Gade 24
DK-1054 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 3313 0666
Prices from approx. 1,000 DKK

Clarion Collection Hotel Twentyseven
L�ngangsstr�de 27
DK-1468 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 7027 5627
Prices from approx. 900 DKK

Hotel Cabinn City
Mitchellsgade 14
DK-1568 Copenhagen V
Phone: +45 3346 1616
Prices from 545 DKK

Hotel Maritime
Peder Skrams Gade 19
DK-1054 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 3313 4882
Prices from approx. 945 DKK

Clarion Collection Hotel Neptun
Sankt Ann� Plads 18
DK-1250 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 3396 2000
Email: cc.�
Prices from approx. 1,100 DKK

Copenhagen Strand
Havnegade 37
DK-1058 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 3348 9900
Prices from approx. 900 DKK

Hotel Danmark
Vester Voldgade 89
DK-1552 Copenhagen V
Phone: +45 3311 4806
Prices from approx. 700 DKK

Scandic Palace Hotel
Raadhuspladsen 57
DK-1550 Copenhagen V
Phone: +45 3314 4050
From approx. 700 DKK

Many hotels offer a 20% discount if you stay for at least three nights.


Road Description

The Black Diamond at The Royal Library
S�ren Kierkegaards Plads 1
1016 Kbh. K

�Digital Preservation � The Planets Way� will take place in the Blixen-room at the Black Diamond.

If arriving by plane:
   - take the train to K�benhavns Hovedbaneg�rd (the Central Station)

The Black Diamond is within walking distance from K�benhavns Hovedbaneg�rd (the Central Station).

To see the route, please follow this link.