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Planets lists 2 events that took place in March 2007

Joint Workshop on Developing an International Curation and Preservation Training Roadmap
March 30th 2007

Hôtel West End, Nice, France
The number of projects and institutions providing training on digital preservation has increased dramatically in recent years, resulting in a vast and often overwhelming number of courses for potential attendees to choose from. As UK and EU projects such as DCC (Digital Curation Centre), DPE (DigitalPreservationEurope), CASPAR and Planets begin to finalise their own overall training plans, it is clear that increased collaboration is needed in order to establish a more co-ordinated approach. In order to try and address the issue, a meeting was initiated by members of DPE, Planets, CASPAR and DCC to begin discussions on how the projects might work together in the best possible way to establish a shared roadmap for digital preservation and curation training. Attendance from as many key initiatives and projects as possible was encouraged in order to ensure a high level of discussion and productivity.

Workshop: "Digital Photos - How do we Preserve them for the Future?"
March 1st 2007

State and University Library, Aarhus, Denmark
Odense Central Library, Denmark
The workshop is the first in a series of workshops aimed at managers and employees working with digitisation and long-term preservation in Danish local history archives, libraries and museums. The workshop will provide attendees with an overview of the current situation in Denmark in regards to digital photo collections, raise awareness of the importance of long-term preservation, and collect information on the preservation needs, available resources and potential digital solutions in small and medium-sized ALM institutions in Denmark.